Satu Inspira, Untuk Semua

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Macroscope, Juara 1 Kompetisi Bisnis COBEK KREATIF Surabaya by Kemenparekraf 2023

Macroscope has been crowned as the champion of the Business Plan Competition COBEK KREATIF Surabaya by Kemenparekraf held in Surabaya, on November 17th, 2023.

The event was moderated by Mrs. Angela Tanoesoedibjo with some notable speakers and judges participating like Mr. Arnold Poernomo, Mrs. Rintan Putri, Mr. Dimas Angga, and Mr. Dzakwan Nabil. Our CEO, Osman Nur Chaidir, with passionately presentate the pitch deck in front of those notable judges and obtain the fantastic result.

It’s a great honor for us to participate and win this kind of fantastic competition. We are committing to contribute more in terms of making Indonesia’s Creative Economy create more fantastic impacts for Indonesia’s economy in the future.

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